Saturday 9 November 2013

The Stress& The Hobby


My intention to share the blog and named it Kitchen Therapy was simple, literally.. i am happy and i am more relaxed and balanced when in kitchen. Talk just about anything that comes in mind... anything as long as its about your kitchen (the woodwork, the tiles, designs and etc), your cooking, menus, ideas, healthy or unhealthy cooking/ diets, problems, tips and anything you can think of that usually takes place in your very own kitchen. 

Since this is new to me, please do stay with me as i update my blog in a better way reference can be made and sharing be made easy. 

First off all, i love cooking. I'm the eldest sister in my family and it is me who usually does the cooking and the chores when mum is not around (or sometimes even when she is). Through out the years, i developed an interest in baking and started to bake cupcakes, cakes, biscuits, and anything baked. I was at my happiest moment..and nope, i didn't gain weight!!

When i was transfered to another state for work, i was not able to cook and bake as usual. I left my oven, stools and utensils back in my house in Shah Alam which is 500KM away. My housemates were picky eaters so i cannot experiment new ideas and menus. I was depressed, alone and the best i can do was to cook for myself. To make the story worse, i started on instant noodles and outside food. I gained weight drastically!

I had to do something... and i hope this blog can help me pick myself up and continue nurturing the idea of cooking as a good therapy and self development. And of course... improving my skills to prepare myself as a wife-to-be... 

Wish me luck and wait for my posts. Do comment! Appreciate it!

